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Levels of Access restrictions

Access restrictions on an item or file may be set to one of the following levels: 

  1. Level 1: Restricted to Busitema University community members with a Busitema NetID and password only. Theses and dissertations with this restriction may be requested by outside users via interlibrary loan only; this is not true for other material restricted to Busitema University. This restriction may last indefinitely or may be for a limited amount of time.
  2. Level 2: Restricted to a specific group defined and maintained within BDEARS. This restriction may last indefinitely or may be for a limited amount of time. An entire item (but not individual files) can also be completely embargoed.
  3. Level 3: Completely embargoed, i.e. closed access (i.e. accessible to no one via the web) for a specific period of time. These are not visible except to an BDEARS administrator or a community or collection administrator.

If an individual depositor or BDEARS Community decides to limit access to items or files to a specific group (Level 2), the individual depositor or the BDEARS Community must take responsibility for the continued maintenance of this access restriction level - particularly the group membership - for the items or files. Library Collections Management staff takes responsibility for the continued maintenance of Level 1 and Level 3 access restrictions.

Access restrictions may be set to never expire or may be set to expire after a specified period of time. If access restrictions are necessary, we urge depositors to only put in place the minimum level of restriction necessary.

If a depositor wishes to set access restrictions on an item, they may do so during the deposit process. If a depositor wishes to restrict access to a specific group (Level 2), the Library Collections Management staff will be notified upon deposit of the item and will work with the depositor on the initial set-up of that group. Restricting access to Busitema University community (Level 1) or establishing an embargo period (Level 3) will require no further action on the part of the depositor.

An BDEARS Community who wishes to restrict access to all material in a specific collection must contact BDEARS staff who will assist them in establishing these restrictions.

If a depositor wishes to restrict access, change the level or time period of restrictions, or lift restrictions to an item after it has been deposited, they must contact the Library Collections Management staff in order to make these changes. BDEARS Community and Collection administrators may also change the level or time period of a restriction.

If an item has access restrictions this will be indicated to users of BDEARS in the metadata as well as by a lock icon next to the download link. A padlock symbol indicates a Level 2 and Level 1 restriction. If an item is embargoed (Level 3), no information will be available to users of BDEARS.